Still a Railfan

Faded rail car with GT in large letters

I’m still a railfan. I’ve had my doubts. From not feeling like going out to see trains, to withdrawing from the online communities and in-person gatherings, I hadn’t felt like a “real” railfan. I haven’t felt the need to be trackside very often. And yet. On an errand for my wife, I still drove out … Read more

MV John Hamilton Gray

The John Hamilton Gray was launched in May 1965 in Sorel, Quebec and delivered to CN in October 1968. She was built to haul rail cars, road vehicles and passengers and usually ran across the Northumberland Strait between Cape Tormentine, NB and Borden, PEI.

Holding Back

I’ve been holding myself back. I have a million ideas and a dozen things in progress and I can’t finish any of them, because they have to be perfect. It’s a problem.

Going For a Spin

One of the ways to turn a locomotive is by using a turntable. Unlike steam engines, diesel locomotives rarely need to be turned, but the need arises at times… and so there are still a few turntables around. This is the CN turntable at the Fairview Yard in Halifax, Nova Scotia.

The Victoria Pacific Railway

The Victoria Pacific Railway was a short-lived tourist operation on Vancouver Island. It ran for two seasons on CN track just west of Victoria, in 1972 and 1973.