I’ve lost my buddy, Felix.
He came into our lives in late November 2019 with his “sister” Millie, and he left us in the morning of February 9, 2023.
From the start, he was my boy. I protected him early on when Millie was asserting her alpha cat status, and we developed our own routines.

Every morning, I would leave our bedroom and either find him waiting outside in the hallway or he would find me within a minute. I’d pick him up and give him some pats and take him downstairs to put some food in the bowl. When he stopped meeting me in the hallway it was clear that he was getting quite sick.
If the door to our bedroom was open, he would sometimes come in and stand on the floor beside our bed and meow for food. That’s where the night train photos of Blame the Cat came from.
Our cats loved our back yard. I’m sure Millie will enjoy it this summer once the snow goes.

We have a lilac bush in one corner of our back yard and Felix loved to sit under it. I guess he was a tree cat – lilac or Christmas.

When I was sitting on the couch, he would jump up onto me and want to be held – head by my left shoulder – and he would stay for some scritches. Often if I was having a nap on the couch, he’d climb on me.

He liked to come into my office / train room. He had a very annoying habit of chewing on wires, so he was often ejected unceremoniously. Over time, I cleaned up the wires and he moved on to chewing plastic – not the brightest cat – but he was more welcome. He just liked being near people.

I don’t know how it happened, but he ended up loving ice water. Sometimes I would be in the kitchen and he would come in and sit by his water bowl, waiting for ice to appear. I suppose he knew me, because I would throw a few cubes in the bowl and then he would drink.
I caught myself tossing a few ice cubes in the bowl today. Millie doesn’t care about ice.
Felix had the best toe beans.

He had the softest fur, and a very very quiet purr. It was rare that I would hear him purr, but I could put a finger on his neck and feel the vibrations.
I took this last cat selfie on January 31, 2023. He was pretty sick already but still well enough to want to snuggle like he always did.

Miss you, buddy.

Aw that’s just sad. So sorry for your loss. May his memory be a blessing to you and your family.
Thank you, Jeff.
Sorry for your loss!
Steve, So sorry to hear about this. They become such a part of our life our fur babies. He sounds like a wonderful pal, but I know the many wonderful memories of your time together will stay with you forever.
Sorry to hear that. Felix sounded like a great pal. RIP
Thanks, Glenn. He was a good cat and a great pal.
Sad to hear about your loss Steve. Pets are family. Hopefully the memories will last forever.
Thank you, Dave. He won’t be forgotten.
I’m really sorry to hear about your loss. Losing pets is never easy and unfortunately their time with us is often way too short.
Thank you, Josh.